My first art/craft show--testing the waters.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New Listing, New Writer

Hello. It's been busy around here lately. So busy, in fact, that Tina Jaeger the Medallion Maker has requested help from her son, Adam, to update this blog for a bit. Nice to meet you.

And now, to products. We have medallions, oh, do we have medallions, but you'll have to be satisfied with seeing them one at a time for now. The medallion of the hour is:

 The Horse Ring. This was a custom model for someone who requested it read "Boogie" for some reason, making me imagine an odd cowboy-themed disco studio where everyone has afro hairdos topped with ten-gallon hats.

In any case, we've got a few types of this in stock in varying colors of the ring and horse. I've always liked black horses best myself, but the paint job on the Pinto one is pretty impressive too, and on a grass-green background... it nicely pretties up where it's currently hanging.

On a side note, this blog is looking a bit lonely, and while this is probably due to a lack of updates, a comment or two would be highly appreciated; if you've had any compliments, questions, complaints, or congratulations, please let us know.

Signing off for now,
(despite what is says below this)

EDIT: Mom says the horse's name is Boogie, so that's one mystery solved. I still like my mental image, though.